Hertel Ski Wax

Rub N Go - All Temperature Ski & Snowboard Wax (2 Pack) Family pack. 2.5 oz per. Made in The U.S.A. No more expensive Hot Waxing. One Free CheekPillow Per order.

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  • Regular price $38.00
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/Users/terryhertel/Desktop/My Movie 1.mp4Hertel’s RUB N GO : 

The only All Temperature ski and snowboard wax.

One step application.

  • Easy  One  Step Application:
    1. Rub On drop and go.
    2. Bio Cardboard push-up tube. No plastic to discard.
    3. No cork need, buff with bottom of cardboard container if you want.

Hertel’s 53 year old formulas. Fluorocarbon free as always.

  • Amazon approved safety data. 

The only proven all temperatures snowboard and ski wax invented by Terry Hertel. 

More control up to 50% improves safety and performance, Proven.

Since 1972 produced in California USA

  • We give you a full 2.5 ounces and it last longer than any other wax guaranteed .

VERY Long-Lasting for top value. The more you use it, the longer it last. 

  • Hertel uses the wax as a vehicle to transfer  the magical ingredient to your base. The size is NANO and gets where wax never goes.  This formula has won the Olympics, Supplex and world cup over and over. The ingredient stays with your board. We all know the wax is left behind. 

  • This is all you need. RUB N GO is a replacement for hot waxing boards and skis. Not designed for hot waxing. Simply rub it on and go.
  • In our on going test we have waxed over twenty boards and ten pair of skis and 90 % of the wax is still in the tube. 

In the last quarter of the 20th century, researchers addressed the twin problems of water and impurities adhering to skis during spring conditions. Terry Hertel addressed both problems, first with the novel use of a surfactant that interacted with the wax matrix in such a way as to repel water effectively, a product introduced in 1974 by Hertel Wax. This was Super HotSauce. We offer Racing 739 and SpringSolution and specialty items like Cream.